Wednesday, May 16, 2018

How Had I Forgotten?

     The road is not always the kindest of mistresses. Sometimes she's a cold hearted lying cheat. For the most part, however, it is at her breast where I find my home. My peace is here, where anything can happen. There is a limitlessness to this ocean of people.
     I'm forever asked where I'm going, with little more than a shrug for an honest answer, "onward." Where am I going? The man with the plan is the only one with a clue. He's driving this ship, in just along for the ride. You want answers, that's who you gotta ask. I'm not pressing for answers much these days. I'm perfectly content to live on faith. Its just who I am when I'm traveling.
     How had I forgotten? Note to self: Never again remove yourself so fully from who you know you are.

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