Saturday, May 12, 2018

Self Actualizing

     Maybe I've played too much dungeons and dragons, but hey, it builds character! Time and time again I find myself exhibiting the qualities I once only could maintain while in character. Who I dreamt of being. A subconscious representation of my innermost desires for my own growth as a being. And more often than not, when passing my reflection, the image I see is somehow ever closer to my drawings as an impressionable youth....
     She was so much more captivating, and interesting, and powerful, than I could have ever hoped to be. Weilding high level magic without so much as the flick of an eyelash. Slaying the largest of heinous beasts in one hit, accidentally robbing my party of the shared experience of the kill...oops?
      And here I stand! Having defeated more demons than I ever knew I had. Having walked through some dark places only to find and unlock so many treasures I can't carry them all. I've realized we are all magic, and eyelashes? Can become wishes with the slightest breath (which, by the way, are ninth level spells. Requiring a minimal caster level of 18, excuding shooting stars, eyelashes, dandelions, djinnis, and faeries.) And I am learning to a wield my own.
    I've traveled my homelands my entire adult life. I've pulled out the epic level guide. I've cross classed like hell, and I've come out stronger and more capable in the end. I've learned to trust in my mind, heart, body and soul.  I think she would be proud, too, if she were as sentient as the staff she carried was....

    I am an adventurer. And I trained for this in high school above all else.


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