Friday, October 5, 2018

Why I Won't Attend Your Webinar

     While it may be effective to market business models to baby boomers, and maybe even genXers, it doesn't seem like it'll work on Millenials. Because we see you as car salesmen of dreams.
      There's something inherently fishy in the whole scheme. Your success seems hindered upon my lack of it. If it worked so well for you to apply these techniques, great! But trying to earn yet another buck off of me, after you're already successful? Its total shit. How greedy can you be?
      "Send me 5 dollars and I'll send you my book on how to get rich!" Page one of book: put an ad in the paper that says send me 5 dollars and I'll send you my book on how to get rich. Yeah. You seem to be looking for suckers, it's not ethical. You're swindling people out of their money at that point.
     If Millenials ghosting employers is any indication, this generation values ethically sound investments of their time and money.
      I'm leery about having to give my email address for a webinar. Why is the content not just in YouTube? Plenty of people monetize their videos and make money off of it, but no. You've got to sell my email address, too? I don't think so, pal. If anyone is going to be profiting off of me, why isn't it ME?
     I'm not going to buy into your weird finances book cult. I'm not going to your webinar even if you said it's free because I am aware of the unseen costs of things and I see right through what you're doing. I value transparency. Not shady and confusing antics of people desperately trying to make a buck so They can afford their second home or new car payments.

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