Thursday, November 22, 2018

How To Get FREE Make Up!


     Your wallet is probably in disagreement with your face on how much make up you want or need. In today's economy, personally, I'm on your wallet's side! Your face doesn't even need make up, you've got a lot of glow naturally!
     But your inner artist needs room to breathe! How can anyone just not use their talents? Your face was a work of art before you start, but once you've finished, by golly, it's a masterpiece!
      Just in case you want to wear more makeup than you can afford, (you're not broke, it's just so danged expensive!) I've got a method to get you as much war paint as you need.

     Put on your boots

You probably didn't realize that your quest for beauty was going to end up with you in a dumpster, but here we are.
     Most corporate stores throw out a LOT of product. You wouldn't believe the reasoning behind this! Why couldn't they just throw a discount sticker on it and let us bask in the affordability? Your favorite stores to buy make up probably throw a lot of brands you love away all the time! Of that cheap mascara has you looking like a raccoon, get your paws rummaging through dumpsters ASAP! I'm not saying you should do this if you can afford makeup, but who can afford make up in this econony, anyway??
    Dumpster Diving for Divas

1.Don't make a mess! You'll render your secret make up dumpster useless if you do, they'll lock that sucker up if they think they need to, do so yourself and the employees a favor, and clean up after yourselves.

2. Go at night. Shopping while the store is open might be tempting, resist the urge!

3. Bring a friend. A seasoned diver may not think they need an escort, but there's nothing worse than getting caught stuck in a dumpster.

4. Pallets aren't just what you're looking for, they're ladders. Shipping pallets can be useful to get into and out of dumpsters with.

5. I was NOT kidding about the boots. You're going to need sensible clothing and footwear for this mission. The last thing you want to do is jump into a dumpster and accidentally ruin your cute shoes. Flowing, loose clothing is a big no-no as well. You want to wear darker colors without looking too much like a full on robber.

6. Bring a bag! Although you can usually find bags in the dumpster, you don't want to count on it. You're going to need a place to carry all your great scores!

Happy hunting, folks!

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