This is not the first time I’ve visited, Boone and I doubt it will be the last. To be honest, I do love this town. There are several great restaurants on King Street downtown, and great shopping. But let’s face it, your town has that too. What makes Boone a great destination isn’t what’s on the street, but who.
Nestled in the hills of western North Carolina, Boone is home to some pretty amazing characters. The kind of folks that decide, ‘my restaurant will serve food to anyone regardless of what they can afford!’, as Farm Cafe does. I suppose the best way to verbalize it, is that Boone is a place with great humanity.
I can’t tell you, from my perspective, about all the places I never went inside of. I can tell you that you can get lost inside Timely Treasures antique store for hours if you don’t watch the time. I’m pretty sure it’s in a perrigren loop of its own. That the Mast General Store has nostalgia on tap, and the Dancing Moon has whatever your spirit desires. The Boone Mini Mall has several can’t miss shops as well. Our Daily Bread and Farm Cafe are musts for lunch.
This town is just friendlier than many of its neighbors here bordering the south. It’s easy to forget entirely about the political climate outside of this place. Recently welcoming an Escape Room, Boone just keeps getting cooler with more to do.