Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Distressing Post Apocalyptic Clothing for Cosplay and LARP

 There are many ways to distress clothing for post apocalyptic cosplay.  In this blog,  I'm going to give you a quick run down of common techniques, and share my favorite secret technique for getting that well worn, dystopian look.  Many of these tips have come from across the web, the last one is my own personal discovery.

    Distressing with Bleach

Using a spray bottle,  and a 50/50 mixture of bleach and water, randomly spritz different areas gently from above, and from the side. Typically, sweat will bleach out clothing over time, so, pay further attention to areas such as the neckline and armpits of any shirts, and backs of knees on pants. Allow bleach to set for at LEAST one hour. Wash thoroughly with detergent and water before proceeding.


    Distressing with Blades


A serrated blade, dragged forcefully sideways across fabric can create wear and tear quickly. Again, randomly choose areas for distressing, and scrape away! This part is fun if you're using clothing left behind by one of your exes, because you can express built up aggression! Using any sharp object or knife,  stab holes into the fabric. Larger slices can be resewn to give a long-owned look.

     Distressing with Blood

No Human Sacrifice Required! Fake blood is easy to make on your own. Karo Corn Syrup, water, and red food coloring make a fairly realistic blend, while store bought fake blood, or even paints could also be used. Just remember, dried blood is a dark color, not bright red!

     Distressing with Dyes


Personally, my favorite products with which to dye and age clothing (as well as other materials) are Antiquing Solutions by Tsukineko. Many other methods can be used in place of these products, such as any brown and red brown ink or dye, coffee, and even tea!  Spray bottles are a great method to apply dyes but dipping bottom corners and various places directly into dyes is also a great idea and gives a truly swamped look.

     Distressing with Acid


While I'm sure others have probably stumbled across their own unique ways to distress with acids, I accidentally discovered my favorite method/step in distressing post apocalyptic clothing items while fixing my toilet! I used Liquid Lightning Drain Cleaner, containing sulfuric acid. It is INCREDIBLY important to wear gloves, and keep it on the clothing you are trying to distress ONLY, it will eat holes in anything you drip even a drop on. Small amounts have big effects with this method, so use sparingly! Dipping a fork into a small amount of the substance can yield minor drips perfect for this. I have yet to try a spray bottle with this substance, however. Although listed last, this would ideally be step one. It is also important only to wash this substance off in either a bathtub, sink, or yard, because you definitely do not want any residue from it lingering in your clothes washer and dryer!

Happy hunting, see you in the Fall!